Thursday, November 6, 2008

~Tea or Alcohol~

So~my drink of choice since kids has always been a glass of Ice Tea , Extra Lemon and a Sweet and Low! Kids and alcohol just do not mix! The thought of drinking and having a hangover the next morning and having to take on 4 energetic kiddo's was not an option for me! I will have my occasional glass of wine at Sunday Dinners, My token Light Beer with Lemon on date night, or even an Amaretto Sour at a Wedding. My girlfriend introduced me to the sweet taste of Vodka/Cranberry, YUM.... I even read in my Shape Magazine the other day that a fitness guru in CA said "I usually recommend vodka with a splash of juice to my clients. What's even better is vodka on the rocks or with soda water," says Ashley Borden, a celebrity fitness and lifestyle consultant in Los Angeles, "I also tell them to have a glass of water to sip, to flush the system." She went on to say it has the least amount of calories! Who knows... I do know I have been to a Halloween Party, Dinner with Friends, and did a Girls Night Out and have enjoyed my new SIP....Maybe now that my kids are older, and I am working again it is a little more tolerable!!! LOL :)

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