Monday, November 24, 2008


So today Madison had her Volleyball Party at Salty Senorita! We arrived late due to me having a real fun training at the district office from 4-6pm.... However, I walked in the door and Maddy was ready to go, she was not missing this party. So off we went and got there and the kids hit the ground running. They love going there and playing volleyball, chasing stray cats, running around the outside area.... Coach Cherie works there so we got a sitting area right next to the volleyball court. It was a very nice time, Cherie and Rob the coaches are very kind people who give their time so freely, to help the girls become better players...Maddy can't wait for the next Volleyball season. Her Coach Cherie and Scott have teamed up to coach Girls Softball in January 2009 through the City of Peoria... Should be alot of fun! The girls are excited their Dad is Coaching!

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