Wednesday, November 12, 2008

~Good Luck Girls~

So you all know that Carley has done competitive cheer for over 5 years! And this year we took time off for a season, because it gets pretty intense (travel, competitions, practice, etc...) Well I have to admit the season opener is this Saturday for DSE and I am sad we are not there! My friend Robyn called today to give me the brackets and times. How Crazy am I? Here I needed the year to BREATHE and get life in order and I am yearning for that music, choreography, and the team competitions.....Plus I loved hanging with my girlfriends all day and shooting the breeze! Good Luck Storm...... Good luck McCall and Mason, we know you all will ROCK!!!!!!! No we are not going on Saturday.. Soccer,Volleyball,Birthdays and Church........Full day for me. :)
McCall & Carley :)
Carley & Mason :)

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