Sunday, November 2, 2008

~Halloween Night~

We had a great time on Halloween! We started in our neighborhood with our Block Party.The Grill Master made some Burgers,Brauts, and Hot Dogs around 6pm. We hung out with our neighbors, friends and family. The kids played in a jumpy, went tricker-treating and danced! Around 9:15pm we headed to our friends block party over in Arrowhead Lakes, for some drinks, good conversation, and Poker. It was so cute the kids finally tuckered themselves out and fell asleep on an Air Matress in the grass, while the adults played POKER! I have alot of AWESOME PICS from the night however I am (TTTBRN) Too tired to BLOG Right Now........SO I am in the coming days going to do a slide show, along with my Pumpkin Patch Pics too! My action packed weekend has sucked the life out of me. I am up right now assisting Carley with a SS Project DUE tomorrow on Hernando Cortes. I thought my school days were over...UGH :)
The Adorable Witch... She is so flippin CUTE!
The Cereal Killer! She was so CREATIVE with her friends, one was Boo Berry,
one was Count Chokula and she was the Cereal Killer! Pretty cute one too....
IRON MAN.... Okay only for a while and then that mask was History. He
would tell people he was Iron Harry the rest of the night. He is too funny.
Maddy was so Adorable...Sharpay from HSM 2.. "Ice tea imported from England"
She had the Do, the Outfit, the Golf Club and all the adults kept asking her WHAT
Mermaid she was... LOL

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