Sunday, October 19, 2008

~Snuggle Bug~

Avery does not miss a beat, even when it comes to my blog! She is always going"where is my picture mommy" and since she is currently not enrolled in any activities, I will gloat about her sweet home life. Avery at least 4 out of 7 days during the week finds her way in the middle of the night to my bed. She is such a little snuggle bug, but like her Father does not like to have the covers on, which is polar opposite of me, I am always cold and LOVE my comforter. Each morning Scott and I will say "Avery why are you in our bed" her comment is always the same
" The Cat in the Hat is under my bed" ...LOL.... SHE LOVES to watch the Mike Myers Version of The Cat in the Hat. In that movie the kids hide under the bed and the Cat is there, then our favorite Avery line is when she quotes from the movie (my 2 year old already quotes movies like her father) "A monster WHERE".... So then she says sometimes tell us the Monster is under her bed! She is so darn cute!

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