Thursday, December 11, 2008

~Happy 40th Birthday Scott~

First off let me wish my "WONDERFUL" husband a "Happy Birthday"! Scott has such a Sweet & Giving heart and would give you the shirt off his back.. He is the greatest Father EVER, and my heart melts when I see him with our children! I am Extremely LUCKY to have him as my Hubby and Best Friend! I have known this incredible human being for half of his life. He has accomplished SO much and has made all of us who know him so PROUD. He is selfless and caring beyond words. I love you SO much Scotty Paul.....So Happy Birthday Baby!
Scott as a baby!
Graduating from ASU!
Gives love like no other!
20 years ago this guy had a "DO"
"I love the way you love me"
One of Scott's True Loves....(Nettie)
My Handsome man!
Birth, 20 years later, 40 years today you are still the most handsome,loving and thoughtful man!
I love you with all my heart!

1 comment:

The Goebels said...

Hope you had a great birthday Scott!!!!