Saturday, November 28, 2009

So much to be thankful for this HOLIDAY.....

My beautiful happy and healthy children who enrich my life daily! My hardworking, handsome hubby who has made me one happy mama!!! Family, good friends, beautiful surroundings and
a beautiful life...We had a wonderful Turkey Day at our home.....Lots of food and plenty of fun!!!! We played Apples to Apples with the kids!!! We started a tradition "Turkey Day Tp'ing (we hope the Budzius Family enjoyed it too...he..he) Then we all watched the Movie "My Sister's Keeper" and cried our eyes out!!!!! :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

~Halloween 2009~

Halloween was really fun in our new neighborhood! Block party with all the neighbors!!!! Went tricker treating in the neighborhood..the kids even got really spooked at a few homes..the kids got too much candy...Avery cracked us up because every time she left a house she yelled how many pieces they gave her! Carley went to a Halloween Party and tricker treating with her friends...We missed her! Overall it was a great holiday!!!! :)
Cinderella, Dragon Ninja, and USA Diva...
Princess Cinderella....
USA Diva!
Dragon Ninja....
Sweet Honey Bee!!!